Spain, my home away from home
Last November, I ordered a DNA testing kit from It didn’t really tell me anything surprising, Scandinavia, East/West Europe (the overlap is Germany), British Isles. But there was one small surprise, 3% of my DNA comes from the Iberian Peninsula, ie. Spain. I’ve been to Spain a few times before; study abroad, El Camino de Santiago, and 2 different student trips. Spain and I are well acquainted. Well, now my best friend LIVES in Spain, and since I was so close in Italy, I had to go visit. I spent just about a week with Sarah and Nico in Muxia. Muxia is a very small town, on the ocean. It’s the end of the Camino de Santiago. When Sarah, Nico, and I walked the Camino, we took a bus to Muxia. Nico had been born there, and lived there until he was 8, so it was interesting to see it from his point of view. My trip to Spain started VERY early. My car to the airport arrived at my apartment in Rome at 4:30, because the car revive requires a minimum of 3 hours from pick-up to...