Palaces and plays and pilgrimages oh my!
Sorry It's been so long since my last update post. I'm having such a good time its hard to find time to write and reflect. Now...where did I leave off... Greenwich. Now Greenwich is kind of off the beaten path a bit, there are a couple of ways to get there. I chose the river, seeing as London is on the river and so is Greenwich. It takes about an hour to get from The London Eye to Greenwich. I love being on the water. But eventually we came to Greenwich pier. Greenwich is a cute little hamlet, with a gigantic hill. My first order of business was to find lunch. It was Sunday so many restaurants have a Sunday roast on their menu. I love roast beef so I thought hey why not. This is what arrived.... What you see there is a huge slab of roast beef, roasted potatoes, roasted parsnips, Yorkshire pudding, green beans and horseradish sauce. It was delicious, and for the record I love Yorkshire pudding! After lunch I walked over to the fan museum, which is exactly what it sound...